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classic windows stack overflows
1- Win32 Buffer Overflows (Location, Exploitation and Prevention) by dark spyrit in 1999
2- S.K Chong Win32 Stack Based Buffer Overflow Walkthrough in july 2002
3- Nish Bhalla’s series on Writing Stack Based Overflows on Windows in 2005
classic windows heap overflows
1 – Third Generation Exploitation smashing heap on 2k by halvar Flake in 2002
2- Exploiting the MSRPC Heap Overflow two part by Dave Aitel (MS03-026) sep 2003
3- david litchfield did a great detailed penetration in black hat 2004
Advanced Windows Exploitation (bypassing filter and protections )
1- Third Generation Exploitation smashing heap on 2k by halvar Flake in 2002
windows 2k heap exploitation.
2- chris anley wrote Creating Arbitrary Shellcode In Unicode Expanded Strings
this was first public article about unicode based shellcode and is also known as “Venetian” shellcode. the method explained in this paper was good enough to making poor ASCII shellcodes .
3- Dave aitel advanced windows exploitation in 2003
in that talk dave talked about no so typical windows exploitation and start making game more advanced .
4- Defeating the Stack Based Buffer Overflow Prevention Mechanism of Microsoft Windows 2003 Server by david litchfield
this paper actually was first detailed paper about abusing SEH (structured exception handler) and the generic way to bypass /GS and also write not lots of public exploit are using this method for exploitation so it also can called one of most important research in windows exploitation history.
5- reliable heap exploits (matt Conover in cansecwest 2004 ) and after that Windows Heap Exploitation (Win2KSP0 through WinXPSP2)
i think that was one of most important heap related research in history of windows exploitation a great and gentle introduction to overwrite a chunk on lookaside list for bypassing safe unlinking and also give lots of great information about windows heap manager internals .
6- later in 2004 matt miller wrote an article Safely Searching Process Virtual Address Space
this article was first great and public article about using egg-hunter shellcode and it’s about when we have limited memory space for our shellcode and we can store our big and main shellcode some-where in memory. this can be also called practical introduction to search shellcodes .
7- later in 2004 skylined wrote on IE exploit and used a technology called Heap Spray
heap spray is one of most important technologies even in modern exploitation and it’s about code that sprays the heap attempts to put a certain sequence of bytes at a predetermined location in the memory of a target process by having it allocate (large) blocks on the process’ heap and fill the bytes in these blocks with the right values. They commonly take advantage from the fact that these heap blocks will roughly be in the same location every time the heap spray is run.
for a few years heap spray was just used in java script and mostly in browsers but today modern attackers are using anything possible to allocate more heap for sparing . like action script , silver light , bmp files and … and not just in browsers ! from my point of view heap spray is like cheating in modern exploitation !
8- bypassing hardware-enforced DEP skape (matt miller) Skywing (ken johnson) (in October 2005)
yay ! they finally did it . hardware enforced DEP bypassed by using a return to libc style attack . in simple explanation the problem was in not CPU the problem and weakness was in windows related API that was used for setting DEP for various process. and the API was NtSetInformationProcess. but there was some simple problem in that article like they forget talk about it we need to to have EBP always writable.
9- Exploiting Freelist[0] On XP Service Pack 2 by brett moore (dec 2005)
this is was another great example of bypassing heap protections by using Freelist[0] and really useful is some case .
10 - later in 2005 matt miller published great article called Kernel-mode Payloads on Windows in uninformed
this article was great article for porting exploits to kernel-land.
11- in 2006 johny cache hd moore and matt miller released Exploiting 802.11 Wireless Driver Vulnerabilities on Windows
good example of real-world driver exploitation.
12- in 2007 Ruben Santamarta wrote Exploiting Comon Flaws In Drivers
note that before ruben we can find lots of great research about this topic but ruben makes it different . he made a tool that called kartoffel which is a great driver fuzzer for finding IOCTL vulnerabilities in drivers. but kartoffel was not main reason to make it different.
after he wrote kartofell and published lots of detailed advisories in various vendor drivers , windows driver exploitation got speed and changed to one of focusable area in exploitation .
13- Heap Feng Shui in JavaScript by Alexander sotirov (2007)
notable improvements to skylined heap spray technology . heap spray was good but blind and not so reliable is some case. Heap Feng Shui is great research about doing advanced FU in heap (heap manipulation) it will lead you to have more control on heap.
14- Understanding and bypassing Windows Heap Protection by Nicolas Waisman (2007)
nico is one of a few guys that focused on windows heap he also developed immunity debugger heaplib and did lots of great heap related researches. he is one of world leading heap !
15- Heaps About Heaps by brett moore (in 2008)
that was one of most complete researches about heap. yes that is just a few slides but great hint if you want do something on heap !
16- Bypassing browser memory protections in Windows Vista by Mark Dowd and Alex Sotirov (in 2008)
one of most greatest exploitation related research with a focus on bypassing browsers memory protections in vista .
great generic .net shellcode trick (loading a .net dll and use shellcode in it), java spraying , deep into combined protections and great ways to bypassing them.
17 – Attacking the Vista Heap by ben hawkes (in 2008)
great research about vista heap internals and some ways to bypassing vista heap protections.
18- Return oriented programming Exploitation without Code Injection by Hovav Shacham (and others ) (in 2008)
not a so new technology. it’s just our old code reuse ! but with great official introduction he call it Return-Oriented-Programming (now known as ROP ). this technology is great to bypass permanent DEP (vista / 7 / 2008) (because you can’t use return-to-libc style attack anymore)
19- Cesar Cerrudo wrote Token Kidnapping and a super reliable exploit for windows 2k3 and 2k8 (2008)
20- Defeating DEP Immunity Way by Pablo sole (2008)
first automation of ROP . thats it ;)
21- Practical Windows XP2003 Heap Exploitation (bh 2009) by John McDonald and Chris Valasek.
if you want write a heap exploit for modern OS . you should read this one . most complete heap related article .
22- Bypassing SEHOP by Stefan Le Berre Damien Cauquil (in 2009)
cool and good research ! but ALSR will make it not so useful because SEHOP = SEHOP + ASLR
23- Interpreter Exploitation : Pointer Inference and JIT Spraying by Dionysus Blazakis (2010)
Great ! exploitation is still alive . generic exploitation method for bypassing DEP and ASLR together . if you read and understand it you can write lots of exploits for windows 7 !
24- write-up of Pwn2Own 2010 by Peter Vreugdenhil (2010)
a great and short article about how to own DEP+ASLR without any 3rd-party plugin
(used two vulnerability and toke around 4 minutes)
25- ruben santamarta all in one 0day presented in rootedCON (2010)
some great idea for bypassing IE XSS Filter and protected mod not exploitation specific but it’s great for being combined with other exploitation methods .
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